


December 2018

Tis’ The Season

celebrate-2953723_960_720.jpgBy: Adrian Drower

Tis’ The Season,
To watch holiday movies,
A Christmas Story or Elf.

Tis’ The Season,
For TV viewing,
A cry, smile or laugh. Continue reading “Tis’ The Season”



By: Adrian Drower

Dieting and working out,
can be a challenge for most.
It’s the balance between them,
that’s a challenge for me.

There’s also public speaking,
Can be a challenge for most.
Sometimes I still get nervous,
but then again, who wouldn’t? Continue reading “Challenges”

Chasing Dreams

butterfly-2049567_960_720.jpgBy: Adrian Drower

From the dreams of growing up,
to dreams of finding a job.
Kids are always big dreamers.
They will soon be Chasing Dreams. 

Dreams of finding a love life
and dreams of making money.
Teens will find the time to dream.
They will soon be Chasing Dreams.  Continue reading “Chasing Dreams”

Chasing Life

boy-1853960_960_720.jpgBy: Adrian Drower

Each day, living in present,
Each night, living in your dreams.
Each dream mirrors your thoughts,
Each thought is part of your mind. 

Is life really a mind game?
Is age really just in mind?
Should I feel sad at thirty?
Should I feel great at thirty?  Continue reading “Chasing Life”

Chasing Wolves

wolves-2969361_960_720.jpgBy: Adrian Drower

What is it you fear the most?
Your past, present or future.
What is it I fear the most?
Well, I’d say all the above. 

I may have messed up back then
and that effects my present.
I feel like I can’t move on,
for parts of past may haunt me.
  Continue reading “Chasing Wolves”

Chasing Music

music-786136_960_720.jpgBy: Adrian Drower

Notes of life keep on living,
Sounds of nature survive life.
Melodies fly in the sky,
Resting when light fades to night. 

I hear sad notes; notes of death,
Sounds of emotion always.
Melodies from the heart sing,
Resting when night fades to light.  Continue reading “Chasing Music”

Chasing Fire

pic.pngBy: Adrian Drower

Fire passions slip away,
As life’s timeline continues.
There comes a time when you say,
“I wish my life was different”. 

You are living in the now,
Your mind plans for the future.
Emotions live in the past,
Your heart is pulled in three ways.  Continue reading “Chasing Fire”

Chasing Stars

pic.pngBy: Adrian Drower

Filled with child like wonder,
Gazing at the silver stars.
A summer night, a great sight,
The full moon- is oh so bright. 

Running through soft grass barefoot,
The clock of life stops… I’m free.
My parents don’t control me
because they’re frozen in time.  Continue reading “Chasing Stars”

Chasing Fireflies

pic.pngBy: Adrian Drower

The morning sun greets the day,
The setting sun greets the night.
Where has the day gone?
Man, time really flies. 

Dimly lit yellow orbs fly,
Scattered all over the sky.
What a beautiful sight,
The sky dances tonight.  Continue reading “Chasing Fireflies”

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